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5 Things That can Make you a Better Boss



Great companies have great bosses. This is not to be construed as to what employees think of the boss, but whether or not one's employer is effective in leading and growing the company.


While there are many areas of focus that can make one better, some stand out more than others, and we'll explore them here.


Being Part of a Network


Networking is one of the most traditional ways people have made their fortunes over the years. After all, it's not what you know, but who, or so it goes until who you know gets you into a position where you can capitalize on that knowledge.


More business leaders today are finding that they don't get the support they need at work, and how could they? Everyone looks to them for what they need; there's little they can offer save for diligence and hard work.


For this reason, many company presidents and CEOs and connecting with others in the same position. The group serves as a great way to make friends and deals, but for many it also serves a therapeutic purpose, bringing people together who can help each other via their collective wisdom and guidance.


Leaders are Readers


Recently, a gentleman was at Chicago's O'Hare Airport looking at books before getting ready to board his flight. He flips through a few and finally decides to buy one.


The book: David and Goliath, by Malcolm Gladwell.


The man: Louis Nigro, President of Kleer-Fax, Inc., one of the most dynamic businessmen in North America.


For approximately 40 years, Mr. Nigro has been at the helm of Kleer-Fax, a paper company in New York, and while many of his competitors are fading away and falling behind, this real-life David recently applied for patents for two new products he invented.


There are many things about Louis Nigro that make him a great leader. He shows up early, stays late, works hard, and is generous to his staff, leading to his average employee's tenure (out of 100+ people) to be more than 15 years.


And he reads a wide selection of fiction and non-fiction works, many of which he seeks out to improve himself.


Learn What to Delegate and What to Keep


There's an old saying that goes "if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself." Sometimes this is true, and many times it's a waste of valuable resources.


When managers take on routine tasks that require skills that are below their best abilities, they often take time away from more valuable tasks, such as making sales calls, reviewing cost reports, and thinking, the latter of which is necessary to be effective.


Additionally, by not delegating, there are staff members who are underutilized.


Stepping Away to Rest


When a person is in the middle of something, she cannot always get a clear picture of what is going on. By stepping away - be it for vacation, a seminar, or to have lunch with your network - it can be easier to solve problems and address issues.


Most importantly, though, just as managers need time to think, they also need time to rest.


Sharing Your Vision


Lastly, great bosses inspire people with their vision. This could be the vision to have the best division within a company, the best company within an industry, or the best customer satisfaction within the business' history.


By conveying the vision of where they want to take the team, and then inspiring the team to follow it, amazing things can happen.


By taking action to improve yourself and your organization, you can lead your company straight to the top. This is not done alone (many are part of a network and they continue to educate themselves), and it takes time (leading to delegation and the need for rest). But by doing these things, your vision can be the reality for the organization. And then everyone wins.


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