Effective Strategies to Boost Team Morale During Summer

Summer is a tough time for anyone at work. Whether preparing for, returning from or just dreaming about a vacation, most employees lose sight of the work at hand to be done and simply lose focus. Energy and excitement may also be down, and some employers even notice less attention to detail and more missing, late, or sloppy assignments during this time of year. So, how can you keep employees engaged, business booming, and morale high even through the dreary dog days of summer? It’s not necessarily easy, but there are a number of different ways you can effectively boost your team’s morale no matter what time of the year it is.

Recognize a Job Well Done

It’s easy to overlook the little things in any business, especially during the summer months when everyone is either getting caught up on extra projects or focusing on just staying afloat during the busy season. That being said, it’s easy to let the small successes go unnoticed. But simply taking a moment to recognize a team member’s hard work even in his or her day-to-day position goes a long way for boosting morale. In fact, recognition, even in the form of a “Good job!” is one of the easiest, cheapest, and most effective ways to boost morale.

Set Team Goals

Setting goals is a fundamental component of an effective management strategy. However, while project goals, performance metrics, and department-wide initiatives may be great motivators, they can also be difficult to really relate to or connect with.

So, take some time to work with your team to establish immediate goals that are relatable and even fun. These goals can be work-related or even just goofy activities, like finding a unique daily news story. Setting goals and rewarding them with prizes is a great way to add a little incentive and build excitement.

Adjust Schedules

Depending on whether summer is a busy or a slow season for your business, consider offering your employees flexible schedules during this time of the year. Talk with your team to determine their preference on a weekly schedule. Some may prefer working a schedule of four ten-hour days opposed to five eight-hour days. If it’s feasible for the season, consider granting the request.

At the very least, keep in mind that many individuals and families have a number of special events throughout the summer, and be flexible at helping individuals be able to attend as much as they can. Giving your team the consideration of a flexible or adjusted schedule is a great way to show you care and can go a long way toward increasing overall morale.

Institute a Few Random Acts of Kindness

Taking a little time to offer a little pick-me-up to a team member who could use it is a great way to show you really care about your team, not just the business. Have team members complete a short questionnaire including their favorites to keep on file. If a team member works late, leave his or her favorite candy on the desk. On a birthday, send a team member flowers. Simply take the time to offer a meaningful gesture and really show you care.

Recognize Diverse Skills

When managing a group of people, it’s important to recognize the group is made of different individuals with various skills. Encourage team members to see these skills and appreciate them by highlighting them and doing a weekly, biweekly, or monthly skillshare. The team member who is asked to share his or her skills will feel more valued, and the whole team will benefit from the experience. This practice also gives employees the chance to work on something that they are passionate about and enjoy. The experience of sharing together as a team also functions to build more rapport between individuals and supports team growth.

Invest In Your Team and Facility

No one wants to work on a team or in a facility that is rundown or deteriorating. Whether you are a small business or otherwise, having the finances to make investments in new equipment and other niceties for the team. However a quick business loan, like those available through AFN, can make a big difference. Consider the options for investing in your team and know that there are resources to help you achieve your goals for your team and business. Seeing your willingness to invest back into the business will help team members recognize that they are valued, making them more willing to put forth more effort.

The dog days of summer hit us all. But if you follow these tips and take a little initiative with your team, you’ll be able to boost morale and grow your business whatever time of year it is.

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