Effective Strategies to Build Your Business Credit

Business professional in a suit, representing effective strategies to build business credit and financial growth.

It is important to have a good business credit score because it helps suppliers, creditors and lenders to evaluate quickly if your business pays its credit on time. Credit scores are statistical models that help predict credit risk. There are many ways that you can use to improve your credit score, but none of the ways is guaranteed. These are some of the steps that you can take to get high credit scores for your business. Firstly, regularly check your credit report and make sure that the information it contains is updated and accurate. Secondly, establish business credit. The business credit should be drawn up with businesses that report trades. It is important to note that some business creditors do not report information on their trade. The last step is to ensure that you pay your credit on time. The history of your credit plays a significant role in determining your credit score.

The range of a business credit score is between 0 to 100.0 represents a high risk while 100 represents a low risk. Factors that determine the score of your business credit are outstanding balances, credit utilization, trade experiences, payment habits, trends over time and demographics among others. Some of the ways of building business credit are taking care of your credit rating, applying for credit before its needed, growing your credit by using it, maintain good relationships with more than one lender and consider alternatives.

Maintaining a good personal credit rating

The biggest factor that most banks use to lend businesses money is its credit rating. To boost the credit score of your business, pay your personal bills early, ensure that the ratio of debt and credit available on your personal credit cards, and make sure the balance is fewer than 30% of the loan limit reflecting on your credit card. In addition to that, lenders check the personal credit of business partners or investor with above 20 percent stake in the company or business. With a high credit rating score, you become more trusted thus increasing the chances of getting loans.

Apply for credit before it is needed

It is advisable to apply for credit as soon as you start your small business. This helps build your credit history that might help in future. A small business has a big challenge because it has to establish itself for about two years for a bank to trust it. Ways of solving this are by applying for small loans from a bank or getting business credit cards. If you encounter problems getting a small loan, open a store-based credit line or get a small credit card with a lower limit. Make sure the credit card is secured.

Grow and use your Credit

Many businesses with good credit scores applied for credit lines and credit cards and used them early. Once you establish the payment history of your business, request the bank to increase your credit limit. Do that even if you do not need the loan at that moment. Ensure that you have a good profile with credit reporting and business data agency. Add credit references to elevate the profile of your business.

Have good relationships with many lenders

It is not good to lay all eggs in one basket. Ensure that you have other lenders that can help you since banks may change your credit limit overnight. It helps you become safe in case you want a bigger loan than the one offered by your bank.

Consider alternatives

Banks are not the only sources of credit. You may consider investors and asset-based lenders. The lenders are mostly focused on collateral, but not credit worthiness. Using these alternatives may improve your probability of getting a credit in future.

Importance of AFN to businesses

Advanced Funds Network is quite helpful to upcoming business owners as well as established investors. For future business owners who have little knowledge and experience of businesses, step to step advice on how they can handle sensitive issues such as loans and credit are offered.

Most small businesses close after operating for less than two years. Such businesses are unable to thrive in stiff competition due to limited resources. Learning how to get big loans from banks and lenders may help such businesses handle competition in a more efficient manner by making necessary adjustments.

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