Though many see the precarious state of the economy with doubt, small businesses are in a position of greater confidence than ever. This is due to the fact that there are also more resources than ever for small businesses to not only survive, but prosper.
The sheer number of resources available for small businesses is higher than ever. Online resources promoting easy setup and registration of their business abound. Discussion forums and groups that help small businesses answer any questions needed to get started are available throughout the Web. This is in addition to the resources already available to small businesses including the SBA and libraries throughout the country.
In addition, the economy is going through major shifts. The nature of commerce, communications, and technology is changing so fast that new opportunities have opened up for the transformation of current industries, and the development of new ones. The opportunities are yet to be explored, existing as potential still to be tapped.
Whether a small business is brick-and-mortar, or Web-based, more opportunities exist than ever because of the ability to foster a Web presence. A Web presence opens the door of a small business to the entire world. Whether a website is used strictly for basic information or additionally used for marketing or transactions, the Web provides limitless avenues or future growth. It levels the playing field for small businesses. A mom-and-pop business can theoretically compete with a multimillion dollar corporation because a prospective customer can just as easily visit its website as any other site. The Web opens a small business to the market of the entire world.
Lack of available funds, especially for a business with a proven track record and already earning revenue, could potentially shatter the confidence of a growing business. Luckily, there are more funding resources than ever for such a company as well. Advance Funds Network (AFN - provides small business loans that banks and other lenders are not willing, or able, to offer. It gives them options for a variety of scenarios that allow a small business to continue to grow when it otherwise would have been derailed by a variety of predictable events or unexpected contingencies.
Even though economic indicators might look or feel gloomy, the reality is that there are a variety of reasons why confidence among small businesses owners is higher than ever. With the sheer number of opportunities, resources, and funding sources now available, there is no better time for a small business to invest in its own growth.
Nurturing Business, Cultivating Hope