Transforming Business Research Through the Mobile Movement

Business professional holding a laptop in a modern office, highlighting mobile technology's impact on business research.

Today business research cannot afford to overlook the importance of mobile technology. Some dynamic new trends in consumer behavior have impacted this communications sector. Even established companies must pay attention to the growing numbers of shoppers who rely on small screens to access online information.

Confirming Predictions

Shortly after communications experts noticed an increase in the popularity of mobile devices, a reported upsurge in cell phone usage during the 2008 and 2009 period produced predictions in some circles that mobile technology would eventually become very important in the United States. That assessment became a reality in 2014.

In January, 2014, a Pew Survey revealed that some 90% of adults in the USA owned a cell phone. By October, a majority reported owning an Internet-connected smart phone.

Mobile Dominance

Today, smart phones, personal tablets, wearable technology and laptops offer smaller screen mobile alternatives to bulkier, less portable desktop computers. A recent survey reported by Danyl Bosomworth in “Mobile Marketing Statistics 2015” suggests that many people continue to use the latter for work. Desktop use actually surges between the hours of 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. in the USA. However, during other hours, devices such as cell phones and tablets dominate telecommunications systems.

In 2015, some sources estimated that while 91% of Internet visitors owned a laptop or a PC, fully 80% owned a smart phone, and 47% owned a tablet. These figures indicate that many households use small screen devices outside of work.

Some Important Business Research Issues

While search engines continue to maintain an important role in connecting Americans with online information and resources, the growing popularity of mobile devices has impacted behavior patterns, also. Danyl Bosomworth cited a Google survey of 950 consumers who searched for purchasing information across nine different industry sectors.

He noted that while many mobile users still began their Internet searches using search engines, sites that catered to mobile devices and some branded apps tended to play a more prominent role in their shopping behavior. Only 48% of mobile technology users began their quest for information using a search engine. Nearly a third, 33%, used branded websites and 26% relied on branded apps.

The Rise of Customized Apps

These trends likely influence many enterprises to promote their own unique, customized apps to customers. Although small screen mobile technology sometimes appeals more to younger visitors than older ones, the popularity of specialized apps for mobile devices will likely continue to attract many businesses simply because of the potentially significant market size of this group of consumers.

Indeed, recently another survey revealed that as of January 15, 2015, over half of all emails had opened on mobile devices. If accurate, this trend suggests a significant shift in online behavior. Many consumers apparently respond to marketing efforts directed to their mobile devices.

Custom Designed Mobile Apps

Perhaps as a result of these types of changes, enterprises today often recruit software development firms to help them produce customized apps. Programs tailored for shopping, entertainment and other purposes occupy the attention of numerous smart phone and tablet users.

Around the world, the use of the Internet exploded during recent years. Now many consumers maintain very high expectations for online programs and content, whether viewed on a PC or through a hand-held mobile device.

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