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How To Avoid Hiring The Wrong Person

The right staff makes all the difference in the operation of any business. These are the people who day in and day out help the company run as it should. With this in mind, are you prepared to hire the right people and only the right people? Have you given it enough thought at all? If you are concerned about this issue, read on for some ideas on how to correct it.

Think About The Cost Of Hiring

Hiring is not a free practice. There are time costs associated with getting a new hire obviously, but it is more than just that. There are also costs in terms of the salary that the person will be paid, the benefits they are given, and much more. It can be expensive to hire a new person, so the person that is hired ought to be someone who is worth the money they are being paid.

Ignore Your Gut, Focus On Facts

There was once a time when gut feelings counted for something. People may have had a strong feeling about one job candidate or another. They used those feelings to make hiring decisions. This is no longer the way that we do things, nor should it be. It seems much more prudent to only hire those who are good on paper as well.


The person who pans out with the data is certainly the kind of person that you want to have working for you. They have proven that they are worth the money you are investing in them. Therefore, take the time to get to know how the various applicants stack up on paper before making a final call.

Hire Team Players

It is a cliche in business to talk about "teamwork" and "team players", but that is perhaps because they are so vital to the organization. As it turns out, these are the types of people that you want working for you because they can gel so easily with the existing team members. There are always going to be some political in-fights within a business, but you want them to be kept to a minimum.


Someone who has demonstrated that he or she can work well with others is exactly the kind of person that you want working for your organization. Then and only then can you be sure that you are making the right hire for your business.

Get Someone With Specialized Skills

Education is important but not nearly as important as experience to most companies. Those with experience are less costly to train because they already bring some skills to the table. It means that they are able to come into a position with some of the things they need to know already in their brain. It allows a company to avoid being repetitive and avoid having to rehash things that they wish their employees already knew. That can be a big time saver and ultimately a big money saver as well.


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To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account.

What this means for you: When you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver’s license or other identifying documents.
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