A merchant cash advance can help your business out of a difficult financial period. If you meet a few requirements for approval you can get the money you need quickly and focus on the task at hand; running your business. The benefits of a cash advance are straightforward, but a savvy borrower also finds value in the details. The article will look at merchant cash advances from both angles; the widely known benefits as well as the overlooked yet helpful details every borrower should explore.
The Top Three Benefits Everyone’s Talking About
1- Unrestricted quick cash –
Advances are part of the reason this term exists. If you are approved, you typically receive your funds very quickly. Some lenders disseminate the money on site. Online resources take 24 hours to process your request. On occasion, the approval process may take longer, but everything usually processes in less than a week. There are no restrictions on how you can use the money. Use it on any type of expenditure that benefits your business.
2- No credit check –
This is an attractive feature for business owners with poor or limited credit, but don’t be lulled into a false sense of security. You still have to show verifiable proof of income that falls within the acceptable approval range.
3- Simple application process –
This is another aspect of the merchant cash advance that appeals to businesses. The application is fast, relatively free of complexities, and getting your documentation in order ahead of time expedites the approval.
The Details of Loan Retail
We’ve spent a fair amount of time discussing the benefits of a merchant cash advance, but as they say, the devil is in the details and there are some lender red flags to watch for.
The best thing you can do for your business is to research your lending options carefully. Avoid “no fax” lenders that don’t require documentation, overcharge, or refuse to disclose the terms of your agreement. If you think something doesn’t look or sound right, shop around before you sign anything. It’s better to learn by doing a little footwork than by relying on your hind’s sight. The internet seems to be a staple of the current business culture; cash advance companies have joined the club. While borrowers like the convenience, speed and accessibility of e-commerce lending; it’s important that the process is still handled properly. Be aware that there is a higher margin of error when completing a web-based transaction as opposed to using a more traditional method. Monitor the process from the time you’re approved to the time the funds are deposited and the fees paid. If a mistake occurs report it right away so corrective measures can be taken. Online transactions happen at lightning speed, but recouping false charges takes up to 72 hours. Don’t get too caught up in the pace set by the lending company. Take time to review all terms and costs associated with the agreement. The final decision is yours, so make it a wise one.