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5 Must-Read Business Books for Entrepreneurs

Photo Credit: Robert Couse-Baker
Photo Credit: Robert Couse-Baker


Every entrepreneur wants that edge that helps them to beat out the competition and establish their long-term success. The smart entrepreneurs understand that the best way to stay ahead of the competition is to keep learning new business ideas each and every day.

If you want to stay on top in the business world, then you need to stay up to date on the best business advice and information. There are plenty of business books you could read to help you learn new ways to grow your empire, but there are five specific books that every business professional should read at least once.

Awaken The Giant Within by Anthony Robbins

There are motivational speakers and then there is Anthony Robbins. With Awaken The Giant Within, Robbins gives the foundation for all of his business success philosophies. You will find that this information is extremely substantial and helpful in your every day business life. Robbins shows you how to set realistic business goals and then utilize your resources to meet those goals. It is good and practical business information.

The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

Stephen Covey presents a lot of valuable business information in a very accessible way in this best-selling business book. The method that Covey lays out in this book has been studied and used by business professionals all over the world. One of the great things about this information is that it can help you in your personal life as well as in your business dealings.

The Lean Startup by Eric Ries

This book has a great deal of in-depth information about subjects that are essential to every entrepreneur. Eric Ries talks about being able to create an efficient and lean organization that can shift with changes in the marketplace easily and quickly. The entire book is written specifically for entrepreneurs who are looking to start a business on their own and are trying to keep their business as focused as possible.

War Of Art by Steven Pressfield

There are a lot of books out there on how to be creative in business, but this is the one geared directly at entrepreneurs who want to start their own small business. Steven Pressfield goes into great detail about the importance of creativity in business and how being creative can help an entrepreneur to stay ahead of the competition. After explaining the importance of creativity, Pressfield then offers several great suggestions for spurring creativity in the business world.

Good To Great by Jim Collins

There is a strong possibility that, at some point in your entrepreneurial career, you will wonder what you are doing wrong. In this book, Jim Collins looks at specific case studies of businesses that were struggling and then what they did to turn things around. If you are an entrepreneur who is seeing some results with their business but you are not getting the great results that you had hoped for, then this book will help you to understand why.

Remember That Funding Is Everything

One of the common themes throughout all of these books is being able to maintain the proper funding level for your business at all times. At AFN, we have the funding programs you need to make your business dreams come true. After you have examined these books to determine the best methods to use to find business success, we want you to come to AFN to get the kind of funding you need to make those methods effective and guarantee your success.


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