Boost Your Online Sales with These Top 10 Effective Strategies

Professional woman in business attire, representing effective online sales strategies and business growth solutions.

With e-commerce sales rising to $33 billion from 2011 to 2012, it behooves web site owners to know the top 10 ways to increase their sales even more. The proliferation of mobile shopping apps and digital devices has further caused an explosion of sales surpassing even those made through desktops/laptops. By 2016, mobile sales will account for over 30 percent of all online sales.

That being said, let’s examine below the most 10 effective ways to grow one’s bottom line through simple to implement Internet strategy tools.

1- Free Online Tools

While there are myriads of free online tools that can start-off a successful web site, don’t skimp. In today’s online business climate, expenses such as web hosting packages, quality graphic design and having a web site design company that focuses on your goals while still keeping within your budget, are all vitally important.

2- Business Financing

Regardless of whether it is through a conventional small business loan, an increased line of credit or an angel/venture investor, you will need money to launch, maintain and grow any business. Financing options are especially convenient and accessible through many fine and reputable online e-commerce resource sites such as Advance Funds Network.

Research and wisely select the best option available to you before plunging into a financial arrangement that is financially unsuitable.

3- Social Media

Today, the social media takes a large share of Internet marketing strategies. Not too many e-commerce web site developers have this skill, so choose wisely–the social media is made up of a lot more than a Facebook post.

4- E-commerce Web Sites

Setting up one’s own e-commerce web site can transform a plain web site into a glorified business card. Displaying one’s services, contact information, customer support and interactive communication with one’s present and future customers, all form part of having an up and running dynamic web site.

5- Email Marketing

One necessity of online businesses is being adept at email marketing, auto-response systems, landing page/capture page know-how, newsletter writing and other forms of marketing systems.

6- Reliable Web Hosting

No matter how outstanding is the web site you design, if you can’t account for the up-time it has, you will be in trouble. Having a web site uploaded to a server and yet inaccessible to customers, is not a good thing by any means. Moreover, having a web host that can’t offer good, quick, responsive technical support when you need it, is a sure path to an e-commerce disaster.

7- Optimizing Your Site Through Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

The term SEO has almost become a mantra in today’s e-commerce environment. Finding a web developer/designer that knows how to place your web site on the top five positions from the top of a major search engine provider’s web page is not impossible, but it is mandatory if you are going to stay in business.

8- Good Content

If you don’t have good content, text-oriented material on your site, then it will be a hard sell to keep customers coming back. Good navigation facility is equally crucial for a successful e-commerce site. You don’t want customers lost before they get to your product and shopping cart.

9- Internet Business Incubator Programs

Today, many excellent programs that are virtual one-stop resource centers exist for paying members that are start-up businesses. Providing online training courses via video and other means, they can help launch, sustain and grow business enterprises through the maze that an e-commerce site can turn into–without the proper guidance.

10- Free Shipping

Nothing lures a customer back as having a free or near-free shipping policy. Many e-commerce businesses crash because of not being able to affordably deliver on products that cost more to ship than the actual cost of the product at a brick and mortar store.

Taking the time, dedication and perseverance to implement all the above strategies can lead to a path of success for almost anyone who applies them.

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