Most companies depend on their human capital to execute most tasks such as attending to customers and giving guidelines and help to buyers to the complex control of manufacturing lines. The health of the employees is a factor to check before deploying them to various tasks. A healthy workforce is one of the great assets any business can have. Human capital should be a priority of investment of any company. Maintaining a healthy workforce doesn’t come easy for any business it is a long term investment. However the benefits reaped prove the worth of such great undertaking.
Reduced pressure
When one of the employee is out of work due to medical reasons, usually the other employees have to cover up for them. This creates an extra burden when work has to be redistributed. This causes extra pressure on all your employees. If this pressure is extended resentment and stresses start to accumulate.
Reduced accidents
Sickly employees operating machinery pose a danger to themselves and to fellow workmates on site. Accidents are not only a great disruption of the workflow but also time and resource consuming. Some fatal accidents can paralyze the entire company’s activities. Healthy employees on the other hand are focused and quickly and correctly make judgements that keep everybody safe.
Increased employee morale and engagement
Healthy workers are energized to work and will concentrate for longer hours and show high levels of confidence when performing tasks. Such confidence is important during situations where improvisations are required and risk taking is needed. Such healthy workers can also be assigned to long term responsibilities without fear of absence.
Enhanced public value of the company
Companies that take care of the medical needs of their employees have a better public reputation. The company seems to have not just a social responsibility to the clients but also to itself. As it commonly is Charity begins at home and therefore the company commands more social authority hence a better image. Reputable companies are self-advertising. This is critical to beating competition by appealing to the public favor.
Reduced insurance costs
During the risk assessment by insurance companies, the frequency of your employees falling sick increases the amount of premiums you pay. This value can easily be reduced and maintained at low levels by having employees healthy.
Reduced healthcare costs
Medical expenses are a huge burden to the victims. Such high costs need to be met by either the company or the employees. Settling such high bills may cause distress to individuals and will affect their economic power. To avoid such duress then the company will be forced to help in such payment of medical expenditure. This money could be invested elsewhere in the business.
Increased output and productivity
One of the greatest benefits of a healthy workforce is the ability to perform above the average mark. They can push further and extend their working times to meet specific objectives. This from a business perspective is a driving force to attain higher profits and more work output. The employees have enough energy their tasks fast giving your customers the satisfaction they so much seek.
The challenge of keeping the employees healthy can be offset by starting a sound workplace wellness campaign. This can be achieved by many ways. One such tools is creating health and safety awareness of the workforce. Medical knowledge can keep away up to 60 percent of most diseases. Creating a unique campaign also will be a key in ensuring the workers accept the idea. Since most diseases can be avoided or prevented then a sound campaign can fill in the gap and reduce the disease problem in the company. Even chronic diseases can be avoided.
To raise the required funds the workers can collaboratively be contributing to a kitty and ensure proper management of the money. The company should also create an environment like a gym where exercise and health checks is possible. This should also be featured in the working time plan of the employees.
To enjoy the benefits of a healthy workforce, the company must then in some level have an input to its employees. It’s the small things that actually matter in keeping your staff motivated and focused.