(866) 480-2611

A Crash Course in Quality Leadership

Small business ownership isn’t for the faint of heart. In all of the years that we have worked with businesses nationwide, we have learned that it takes more than an infusion of working capital to keep the lifeblood of a company flowing. Unsecured business lines of credit can supply the fuel, but it takes a leader to decide where that fuel takes his or her company.

That leaves us with a burning question to answer: what makes a good leader? You may think that leading comes from managing, but look closer. If you are managing your employees, you are usually focusing on two things:

1. Cost
2. Productivity


You’re simply asking your employees to do things a little better, faster, and cheaper than they did the day before. A good leader asks more of their employees, and more importantly, of themselves.


Pulling Off a Professional Hat Trick


The reality is, if you’re an entrepreneur, you’re really a:
• Leader
• Motivator
• Nurturer
• Educator
• Mentor


All rolled into one.


The difference between leading and managing is your comfort level. Most of us would admit we’re more comfortable in one role or the other. For some business owners, leadership doesn’t come naturally. Yet, they are looked upon as leaders. What that really means is, comfortable with it or not, business owners have to develop and hone their leadership skills.


The process starts with defining those skills.


A Chance to Show Quality


The best leaders don’t shout their accomplishments from the rooftops. They don’t need to. You can tell they are leaders because they own the room from the moment they enter it. How is that possible? Here are some tips to foster confident, quality leadership:


Tip One: Oust your “yes men.” Like unsecured business lines of credit, creativity and talent shouldn't be wasted. Too often owners make the mistake of keeping things agreeable. Don’t let employee strengths sit idle or undiscovered because no one wants to share a differing opinion. Encourage debate and originality. Listening to a variety of opinions breeds innovation.


Tip Two: Uncover your employees’ M.O. This does not have to be a covert-op. There is no reason to invade their privacy, just get to know them. Once you know what makes them tick and motivates their decision making, you can put them to their best use within the company.


Tip Three: Teach them to ride a bike. Good leaders know that the best teaching comes from demonstration and application. Show your employees how to do something and then let them apply the lesson on their own. Give them the space and time they need to complete the task. Only step in to correct mistakes.


Tip Four: A little encouragement goes a long way. An encouraged employee is a happy employee.


Advance Funds Network offers different types of unsecured funding that will help your business achieve its desired outcomes. We can assist your business in furthering your goals and objectives through unsecured business lines of credit.


Accounts Receivable
Bad Credit Business Loan 1
Bad Credit Business Loans
Bank Loan
Borrowing Money
Business Capital
Business Cash Advances
Business Debt
Business Equity
Business Financing Services
Business Leadership
Business Line of Credit
Business Loan
Business Loan Bad Credit
Business Loans
Buying Equipment
Cash Flow
Child Care
Construction Factoring
Credit Card Factoring
Credit Reports
Credit Utilization
Equipment Finance
Equipment Leasing
Equipment Purchase
Factoring Accounts Receivable
Flexible Factoring Options
Franchise Funding
Freight Factoring
General Finance
Green Business
Hardware Stores
Industry Specific Articles
Landscape Contracting
Late Fees
Medical Accounts Receivable
Medical Supply Providers
Merchant Advance
Merchant Cash Advance
Merchant Cash Advance Loans
Merchant Finance
Merchant Loan
Mobile Payment Solutions
New York Business Loan
Real Estate Management
SBA Loan
Small Business
Small Business Credit
Small Business Credit Line
Small Business Development Services
Small Business Finance
Small Business Financial Tips
Small Business Investors
Small Business Line of Credit
Small Business Loan
Small Business Loans
Small Business Marketing
Small Business Sales
Small Business Sales
Starting a Small Business
Startup Financing
Trucking and Transportation
Unsecured Business Lines of Credit
Unsecured Business Loans
Unsecured Business Loans for Bad Credit
Unsecured Credit Line for Small Businesses
Unsecured Financing
Unsecured Line of Credit
Unsecured Lines of Credit for No Credit Businesses
Unsecured Loans for Bad Credit

Nurturing Business, Cultivating Hope

Putting Our Clients First Since 2008.
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464 Kings Highway Brooklyn, NY 11223
1633 Rt 35N Unit 4 Oakhurst, NJ 07755
5858 Dryden Place Carlsbad, CA 92008 Suite 238
2967 Dundas St. W. #220D Toronto, ON M6P 1Z2
(866) 480-2611
Important Information About Procedures for Opening a New Account
To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account.

What this means for you: When you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver’s license or other identifying documents.
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