An unsecured line of credit gives your business the ability to expand and grow, even in these trying economic times! If you’ve had a difficult time getting financing through traditional methods, accept credit cards for your goods or services and have been in business for at least six months, contact us at Advance Funds Network to learn more about our unsecured line of credit. We can help you raise needed capital for your business.
Your business can use an unsecured line of credit to purchase inventory, cover your payroll obligations, expand, or simply maintain your current operations. Your business may be just like many other businesses and find yourself with a cash flow issue. In simple terms, this means that more cash is going out than coming in. This can be just a temporary issue that could be easily resolved with an infusion of cash. If your business is seasonal in nature, an unsecured line of credit can provide much needed cash flow during your off season. It may be the answer to your business’s needs. We want to help your business succeed.
Since the line of credit is unsecured, you don’t have to provide any collateral. This is especially useful if your business doesn’t have many assets, or your assets such as inventory, vehicles, equipment, or furnishing and fixtures, are tied up on secured loans. And, unlike accounts receivable factoring, this method of financing is tied to future sales rather than past sales. You pay us when you get paid.
We can approve your unsecured line of credit within a few days, not the months that traditional financing might take. Funds can be available in less than a week. Payback is very simple with no checks to write. The repayment process is completely automated so you don’t have to worry about late fees. An agreed upon percentage of your credit card sales are withheld over a 6 – 18 month period of time until the line of credit is paid, or you can choose to make fixed payments. Our preferred credit card processors will meet or beat your current rates. You may be able to keep your current processor, if you’d like.
In our current economy it is not unusual for businesses to need some extra financial assistance to grow and prosper. For many small businesses, bank financing can be a long process with a low rate of approval. An unsecured line of credit from Advance Funds Network may be just the right method of obtaining the extra cash your business needs fast. There are no personal guarantees and no hidden costs. If you have been in business for more than six months and can show a history of credit card sales, we can help you. Credit scores aren’t a deal breaker.
Knowledgeable staff can walk you through the process with no obligation on your part. Don’t wait; call us today to find out if an unsecured line of credit is right for your business.